Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is a mantra to Shiva. In Hindu mythology Shiva is not only the god of destruction but also a healer. He rules three gunas - states of nature. He is prayed to when healing is required on any level: emotional, physical, mental.
Chanting this mantra is a number one remedial measure for difficult, chronic, incurable diseases, when somebody is transitioning, or when you are grieving. Jyotish astrologer will recommend this mantra for strong malefic afflictions in the chart by Saturn, Mars, Ketu, or Rahu. It is especially potent for Saturn. If you are going through a difficult period in your life, challenging Saturn period, or you are in Sadi Sati, this is a perfect option for spiritual practice. You may choose to do it during eclipses or eclipse corridor as diseases and various attachments rise to surface during this time.
Maha - means 'great'
Mrityu - means 'death'
Jaya - means 'victory'
Also knows as "death conquering mantra", it's one of the most important and famous mantras in Vedic tradition. Also known as Rudra mantra or Tryambakam Mantra, it is found in Rigveda. The words of the mantra are:
Om Tryambakam Yajamahe
Sugandhim Pushtivardhanam
Urvarukamiva Bandhanan
Mriyor Mukshiya Maamritat
The mantra means "I surrender to Shiva, the three eyed one, who is fragrant and who nourishes all. Just like the cucumber is plucked from a wine, may I be released from death and mortality." It is prayer that destroys ignorance, attachment, which is the cause of suffering and discomfort. In return, in creates detachment and peace. When chanting, you are asking Shiva's help to release you from that attachment; you bow and surrender to letting go. It is a great mantra of healing. Healing takes place when resistances are released and deeply ingrained thought patterns are dropped.
How to use this mantra
You may choose to chant it in front of the image of Siva, using rudraksha mala 📿.. You may do it along with the recording. There are many versions out there, but I'm especially fond of Yogi Hari's version.
Another passive way to use this mantra is to leave on repeat by your bedside on low volume, so you are listening to it while asleep.
You can also put a recording of it on repeat next to a glass of water for a night and consume in the morning. If the person is too sick to chant themselves or are you doing it for a small child, this is a good option. You can spoon feed them the water the next day.